Andrew Gazdecki Talks Grit, Selling For Millions, & Founding 5+ Companies | EP 19


In this episode of UNinvested, Sahil interviews Andrew Gazdecki, CEO and founder of Andrew shares his entrepreneurial journey, from his humble beginnings to founding multiple startups and successfully selling several of them. He discusses the inspiration behind his ventures, the challenges he faced, and his insights on what it takes to succeed in the startup world.

What we explore:

  • Andrew Gazdecki's background and early influences in Detroit and Sacramento

  • The origin and growth of, a marketplace for buying and selling startups

  • Andrew's entrepreneurial philosophy and how personal experiences shaped his ventures

  • Insights into identifying business opportunities and making strategic bets on market trends

  • The importance of grit and determination in overcoming entrepreneurial challenges

  • The role of venture capital versus bootstrapping in startup growth

  • The democratization of entrepreneurship and making the startup ecosystem more accessible

Where to find Uninvested:

In this episode, we cover:

[00:00:00] Introduction: Sahil introduces the episode and Andrew Gazdecki

[00:00:16] Andrew's background: Discussing his upbringing in Detroit and Sacramento

[00:00:53] Early entrepreneurial experiences: Andrew's first ventures and how he got started

[00:04:00] Business ideas and inspiration: How Andrew identifies problems and turns them into business opportunities

[00:04:33] Founding The vision behind the marketplace and its growth

[00:06:33] The role of venture capital: Andrew's thoughts on bootstrapping versus raising funds

[00:09:25] Democratizing entrepreneurship: Making the startup ecosystem more accessible for founders

[00:10:36] Overcoming challenges: Andrew's approach to solving problems and staying motivated

[00:18:11] Daily routines and positivity: Andrew's habits for maintaining a positive mindset

[00:23:59] Final thoughts and wrap-up: Closing remarks and gratitude for Andrew's insights

No transcript available


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